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You pay nothing to use Beat My Freight Price. That’s our promise.
Receive multiple quotes direct from local agents based on your shipment.
Choose your best quote and get the agent’s details to deal direct.
You do the comparisons, we get you the quotes for your shipments.
How does it work?

How can we help you?
Useful answers to common freight shipping questions.
We do things a bit differently
We don’t want you to pay too much so we are here to get you the best price for your freight shipping. And we won’t charge you to do it. Whatever you are shipping and wherever it’s going, even if it’s hazardous or specialist, you can count on us.
And because we are nearly ten years old, we know what we are doing and can handle everything. You get specific quotes for your exact shipment, choose your best one and book direct the shipping agent, no middle man.
And you never pay us anything at all. It’s really easy to use so what have you go to lose?
You could say it’s child’s play.